Quality and environment

For us it is obvious we should deliver products of Expanded Metal in high quality at agreed delivery times. In order to deliver what we promise we have an extensive quality policy where our primary goal is to constantly improve. We often work with customers that have very strict and well-defined requirements on the products they buy from us. For instance, the expanded metal made from more noble metals like copper, brass, nickel and titanium that are used in electrochemical applications have requirements not only for their shape and design, but also the electrical conduction area, open areas, weight per surface unit etc.

Quality assurance of completed contracts has always been essential to Expandermetall. We specify clearly measurable quality goals that can be timed. We also carry an open dialogue with our customers, so that we can work together to achieve the agreed quality goals on time for each production.

Environmental policy carries a considerable weight in our company. We use the standards of the FR2000 environmental requirements in order to constantly improve the environmental thinking within our company. In our work for the environment we do everything from using environmentally friendly products to source separation. Our environmental policy is constantly improved internally in our daily production as well as externally toward our customers and suppliers.

Our company is certified according to the FR2000 standard, for quality environment and work environment.

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